Overwatch Suffering From The ‘Doubleshot Bug” For A Long Time

Another bug in Blizzard's hero shooter.

We’ve brought you several reports of bugs and glitches encountered by people while playing Overwatch, but this one we’re bringing you today is a little different. The bug we’re speaking of has apparently been present in the game for a long, long time, at least for a year, maybe even since the days of the beta, and as of yet, there has been no fix. If you’re playing as Widowmaker or McCree (or even Ana), you might want to read on.

The bug we’re speaking of has been reported by Reddit user brokenstyli, who is calling it the doubleshot bug. “You know you’ve been hit by the doubleshot bug when you see two bullet trails appear from a fired shot,” says the Reddit post. “One of them where you were aiming, the second directly above the first.” Apprently, this is a bug that only affects you if you are playing as a hitscan hero. The lower bullet trail is, in essence, not a bullet at all. It doesn’t deal any damage and cannot even be seen in replays.

Apparently, this is a bug that crops up more for wireless players than players who are using a wired connection. It appears during network instability, or packet reordering or packet loss. So far, Blizzard has not confirmed or commented on the bug, but seeing as it’s something that has been around for long and has now been brought to attention, we expect that to change soon.

You can understand more details of the glitch by clicking through the link provided above. Have you encountered such an error while playing Overwatch? Tell us in the comments section below.

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