Overwatch Symmetra Buffs Planned for November

The underrated support is in line for changes.

One hero that’s always been very under utilized in the Overwatch meta is Symmetra and Blizzard has taken notice. Director Jeff Kaplan recently told Business Insider that the development team would be looking into changes for Symmetra.

“A character being that situational is not really desirable to us, so even though I can kind of justify why it happens, that doesn’t mean that I believe that it’s right. So Symmetra is a hero who’s on our list right now to take a good look at and really investigate.”

This won’t be a simple change either like increasing Junkrat’s Ultimate speed (which recently went live in the PTR). Kaplan believes Symmetra’s changes should be ready by November. “She is a hero we’d like to make some changes to. I think those changes wouldn’t see the light of day until November, though, because we want to do a bunch of internal testing.

“It’s one thing when we do something [minor] — like, we have a change to Junkrat on the [Public Test Realm] where his Ultimate activates faster, but it’s a very incremental, safe change — whereas the type of changes we think need to happen to Symmetra require a lot more internal testing and discussion.”

What are your thoughts on Symmetra receiving a buff? Let us know in the comments below.

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