Overwatch Teaser Highlights Epic Skins for Reaper, Zenyatta and McCree

These non-event based cosmetics can be earned without any time restrictions.

Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch is receiving a hefty new update on January 23rd which brings non-event cosmetics to loot boxes and a new map, Blizzard World. To further hype up these cosmetics, a new teaser trailer has been released on Twitter. It showcases some of the Epic skins that players can earn for Zenyatta, Reaper, McCree, Symmetra and Junkrat. Check it out below.

Reaper and Zenyatta are the clear stand-outs with the former having a demonic skin of sorts while the latter’s skin appears to represent the Houston Outlaws in Overwatch League. The other skins look good but it’s easy to see them as mere repaints. The good news is that players can take their time and earn them with in-game loot boxes and credits since they’re not tied to any specific event.

Along with new cosmetics and skins, the January 23rd update is also expected to bring changes to Mercy and Junkrat. The popular Support hero will see her Ultimate further nerfed with one Resurrect charge and casting time in Valkyrie mode. Junkrat’s Concussion Mines will have damage drop-off depending on how far their target is from the explosion’s center. Will these changes make either character less viable? We’ll find out in the coming weeks.

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