Overwatch Update Adds Game Browser, Bastion Changes and More

Capture the Flag now permanent with 12 maps total.

A new patch has gone live for Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch and it adds the much-anticipated Game Browser. The patch is available now for all platforms.

The Game Browser allows players to create and modify their own Custom Games and then host them as standalone matches for either their friends or the Internet at large. Experience can be earned while playing Custom Games and they can allow for increased health pools, faster projectile speed for Pharah’s rockets, zero cooldown on abilities and so on.

Capture the Flag is also now a permanent game mode, this time with Nepal, Ilios and Oasis added along with Lijiang Tower, giving players a total of 12 maps to play around in. Various balance changes have been made to heroes like Roadhog and Mercy though the biggest changes have hit Bastion.

The defense hero, who can turn into a stationary gatling gun turret, now has a passive ability that grants 35 percent reduced damage while in Sentry or Tank mode. Self-healing can now be used on the go and has a resource like D.Va’s Defense Matrix. If that weren’t enough, the spread on Recon mode’s gun has been reduced by 20 percent with magazine size increased to 25.

Thoughts on all these changes and new additions? Let us know in the comments below.

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