Overwatch Update Changes Zenyatta, Ana, Sombra and More

Bastion finally nerfed on consoles.

The latest update for Blizzard’s Overwatch released last night and along with adding a new hero, Orisa the robotic tank, it also changed quite a few heroes.

Support hero Ana has had the damage on her Biotic Rifle reduced from 80 to 60, thus ensuring she acts more as a healer than DPS. As for Sombra, teammates can now see her hacked healthpacks through walls, Translocator’s cooldown has been reduced from 6 to 4 seconds, and sound effects created when she exits from stealth now have a range of 15 meters.

Zenyatta has perhaps some of the better changes: Weapon spread has been removed entirely and alternate fire cooldown has dropped from 1 second to 0.6 seconds. Zarya’s bubbles have seen an interesting nerf where they don’t make her (or bubbled allies) immune to knockback. Console players can also take note – Bastion’s Ironclad ability has finally been nerfed, allowing for 20 percent damage reduction instead of 35 percent (with a total cap of 50 percent, even when Nano-Boosted).

Check out the full patch notes here for more information and let us know what you think of these changes.

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