Overwatch’s Bastion Buffs Outlined, Includes Healing On The Go

Blizzard is readying some new buffs for the infamous robot.

It’s no secret that there are some heroes who don’t quite fit into the current meta of Overwatch. Take Bastion, for instance – he’s a situational defense hero who can transform into a gatling gun turret, thus laying siege to enemies before him. However, due to his inability to move and generally less useful kit outside of Sentry mode, he’s not viable in every situation.

Principal designer Geoff Goodman talked about buffing Bastion not too long ago and in an update on the official forums, he noted some of the changes that the team are putting together for the next Public Test Realm.

“Here are some high level stuff we’re likely to have testable in the next PTR:

“Recon Mode – Lowered spread and increased magazine size, to help with general viability in this mode.

“Sentry Mode – We’re looking at focusing this mode into more of a tank-buster and barrier-buster mode, while also making it feel less suicidal to be transformed. To that end we’re testing stuff like increased spread and removing headshots, but taking less damage while transformed.

“Self-Repair – We’ve been testing a few big changes to this that are feeling really good so far. Currently our internal build has Bastion able to use Self-Repair while moving and also having it no longer interrupted when taking damage. To balance that out it is now on a resource system (similar to the route D.Va’s defense matrix went). These changes have turned this ability from a more niche rarely used ability, to a much more powerful and core survivability tool.

“We’re still testing and tweaking things with Bastion but we’ll hopefully have a PTR build coming fairly soon so you guys can try it out!”

What are your thoughts on Bastion’s potential, especially in this meta dominated by tanks? Let us know in the comments below.

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