Overwatch’s Bastion Changes Currently Being Worked On

Dev unsure when they'll go live.

Missing Bastion and unsure about his role in the current meta (which saw Roadhog actually receiving somewhat of a buff with his “fixed” hook and D.Va being squishier than ever) for Overwatch? Principal designer Geoff Goodman confirmed on the official forums that he’s currently working on some changes.

“I’m actually working on some changes for him right now. I’m not quite sure when these changes will hit the live game, we’re still testing different things internally.”

Bastion’s role is odd because even as a defense character with plenty of anti-tank DPS potential, there are plenty of other characters that prove more viable. Tracer can burst damage tanks easily while Soldier 76 has a much better kit. The fact that he’s immobile in Sentry Mode doesn’t help matters since snipers, Pharah and more can dismantle him.

What are your thoughts on Bastion changes and would you welcome the same? Let us know in the comments below.

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