Overwatch’s Newest Support Hero is Moira, First Trailer Revealed

Lo and behold, Blizzard finally adds an evil healer to the hero shooter.

Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan finally unveiled the next big hero at BlizzCon 2017 – a Talon geneticist named Moira. Yes, she’s basically the evil healer that fans have been clamouring for and the fifth Support hero to join the roster. Check out her announcement trailer below.

Moira is interesting because she can either cause excessive damage with her abilities or heal allies. Biotic Grasp lets her heal allies in front or fire a long range beam that can heal Moira.

Biotic Orb fires an orb that rebounds and either heals allies it moves through or causes enemies to decay. Fade allows her to teleport to either escape quickly or get closer to allies and Coalescence is her Ultimate – a long range beam that can both heal allies and pass through barriers to harm foes.

Moira is currently playable at BlizzCon 2017 but Kaplan promised that she would be available very soon on the Public Test Realm for PC users. What are your thoughts on her abilities? Let us know below.

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