Overwatch’s Next Escort Map Coming to PTR in “A Week or Two”

Hanzo's rework should also hit PTR later this month.

Blizzard Entertainment’s latest PvE brawl Retribution is now live for Overwatch as part of the lore-based Archives event. Prior to its release though, director Jeff Kaplan said that the Venice map, Rialto, would be coming to PvP players as well. However, it would first hit Public Test Realm servers and undergo testing.

Now that Retribution is available on live servers, what about Rialto? Kaplan offered a response to players on the official forums, stating that, “Rialto PvP will be on the PTR in a week or two.” Maps are usually available on the PTR server for a good month or so before going live to ensure stability and lack of bugs.

However, Kaplan also talked about when the rework for Hanzo would be available. He noted that, “Hanzo will hit the PTR this month, not sure of an exact ETA.” We have less than three weeks but don’t be surprised if this gets pushed to next month. Hanzo’s rework will see Scatter Arrow replaced by a new ability, which allows him to rapidly fire arrows. He may also receive a vertical leap backwards to allow for more mobility.

What do you think about Overwatch Retribution in the meantime? Let us know below.

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