Overwatch’s Orisa Now Available On All Platforms

The newest tank hero finally arrives.

Blizzard dropped the latest update for Overwatch last night and it finally added Orisa, the new tank hero, to live servers. Check out the launch trailer below and see her in action.

Developed by Numbani genius Efi Oladele, Orisa is a unique tank with a lot of functionality. She can project a forward facing barrier to block damage; deploy a mini-Graviton Surge to pull heroes together in one spot for a brief period of time; and even fortify herself to avoid crowd control effects like knockback, gaining damage resistance in the process.

Her Ultimate, Supercharger, deploys a small device that can lend damage boosting to all heroes within its radius for a certain amount of time. If that weren’t enough, she has good range with her Fusion Driver, which acts as a gatling gun of sorts.

What are your thoughts on Orisa’s addition to Overwatch? Let us know in the comments below.

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