PC Mod Brings Parts of New DOOM To Doom 2

The power of modding.

One of the biggest draws of DOOM, since it launched earlier this month is that there is such a loyal following of the entire series. While the new version of the game isn’t exactly heavy on the modding tools just yet, the older versions have had a healthy modding community for quite some time.

A few of those modders have decided to celebrate what has been a very popular new version of the title by bringing some of the things that make Doom so popular and putting them in much older titles like Doom 2.

The most popular of these new mods is titled DOOM for DooM and features a level from Doom 2 with some of the new weapons and enemies from this year’s title. At the moment, the modders, DBThanatos, Major Cooke and Michaelis have said they are in the early days but you can take a look at the video of this mod in action below.

For those who are still bigger fans of the new look, you might be getting more of that look in the near future as id Software has said new goodies are coming at some point.

bethesda softworksDOOMid Softwarepcps4Xbox One