Phil Spencer Talks About Crackdown 3’s Cloud Destruction Demo

Powered by the cloud.

Crackdown 3 really was one of the most pleasant surprises to have come out of Microsoft’s E3 press conference on Monday. The game is a sequel to the open world cult hits on the Xbox 360, and the trailer that debuted at E3 looked mighty impressive, featuring the trademark super powers in addition to some incredible looking destructible environments.

Those destructible environments were, according to Microsoft’s Phil Spencer, based on the destructible environments tech demo of Microsoft’s Azure Cloud technology from their BUILD conference a few months ago; as such, they were very obviously ‘powered by the cloud.’ As a matter of fact, the tech demo for Azure was itself just very early work for Crackdown.

Microsoft seems to be lavishing a lot of time, budget, and attention to the franchise; who knows, if they play their cards right, maybe they will be able to make Crackdown a mainstream hit, just as Sony was able to make one of their former B-series, inFamous, mainstream.


AzureCloudCrackdown 3e3 2014MicrosoftXbox One