Phil Spencer: Windows 10 And Xbox One Support Was The Beginning, More To Come

More features incoming?

The Windows 10 event that served as the unveiling event for the upcoming operating system was also the host for a healthy heaping of Xbox One related products. The event went down well and was generally well received if the vocal majority are to believed.

Phil Spencer, the big man over at Xbox, was also quite happy with the proceedings, speaking about the event by way of his personal twitter account, he said “Today was the beginning of us publically [sic] talking about how we support both Xbox and Windows, we’ll have more to come.”

At the show, they spoke about the abilities afforded to Windows 10 and Xbox One users with streaming capabilities similar to that offered by PlayStation 4’s remote play. This streaming feature should also, if the official line is to be believed, allow users that are streaming their content to use a custom controller of their use.

This, potentially, marks a huge turning point for the Xbox One and opens up a whole new world of possibilities for Xbox focused gamers. This may also entice some of the PC demographic to dabble in Microsoft’s latest home console. Shout out in the comments what you think this will do for Microsoft, if anything.

MicrosoftpcPhil Spencerwindows 10Xbox One