Planetside 2 Beta NDA Lifted: Details Come Out at PAX Prime

Players share details of death and war crimes in public. High-fives shortly followed.

For those in the know, Sony Online Entertainment has been hosting a closed beta for it’s long awaited MMO shooter, Planetside 2. Now, however, the NDA has been lifted and at PAX Prime, show attendees and beta testers were allowed to discuss and live stream their war journals in the fights for Auraxis.

Each player who’s joined the beta has averaged about 2 hours a day playing. What other interesting numbers popped up? According to SOE, there were:

8.5 billion points of damage done to players
5.8 billion points of damage done to vehicles
535 million shots fired
194.6 million shots hit
6.3 million player deaths
2.3 million rockets launched
571 thousand grenades thrown

The total Empire allegiance breakdown was finally Terran Republic: 34.67%, New Conglomerate: 32.96% and Vanu Sovereignty: 32.37%.

PAX Prime marks the first consumer showing for Planetside 2 in North America. As it stands, there’s no release for the game, which is a sequel to the 2003 original, but if development and hype pick up, it’s only a matter of time.

mmo fpsPAX PrimepcPlanetside 2SOE