Portal 2 Available for Pre-Order

Valve today announced that retailers and Steam are now accepting pre-order reservations for Portal 2, the epic sequel named the “Most Anticipated Game of 2011” at the Spike TV Video Game Awards.

Special pre-order offers vary at participating outlets around the world and include a variety of dollars off and/or exclusive in-game content for those who reserve the game for purchase before it is released the week of April 18. These include $5 off the full price, exclusive in-game skins for the coop bots (Atlas and P-body), and more. Check your favorite outlet for details.

“Portal 2 is shaping up to be the most innovative title in Valve’s history, and to be a much larger experience than we originally planned,” said Doug Lombardi, vice president of marketing at Valve. “As such, we are aggressively promoting the title with more retail promotions than we have put behind any prior release.”

Using a highly experimental portal device, you’ll once again face off against a lethally inventive, power-mad A.I. named GLaDOS. And this time you won’t be alone. Meet an expanded cast of characters as you think your way through dangerous, never-before-seen areas of Aperture Laboratories.

Portal 2 releases this April on the PS3, X360 and the PC

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