Porting Games To PS5 And Xbox Scarlett Should Be Easier, Current Gen Has Little Documentation – Dev

One Finger Death Punch 2 dev hopes next-gen consoles can make life a bit easier for indie developers.

When one buys consoles of newer generations, they’re usually looking for new experiences- that much is obvious. But there’s no doubting that porting over some older games to newer consoles has a lot of value. Not only does that make the game available to audiences who may not have played them before, these ports usually come with enhancements and newer features as well.

However, porting isn’t always easy. It’s not a simple copy-paste job. Especially when it comes to indie developers, porting can be a pretty long process. We recently had the chance to speak with Silver Dollar Games’ Jon Flook, designer of the upcoming beat ’em up One Finger Death Punch 2, and ended up asking him about his expectations from next-gen systems. For Flook, being able to port games to next-gen systems with more ease is one of the things he wants to see most, since that is something, according to him, that is very hard to do on the PS4 and Xbox One, due to lack of proper porting documentation.

“Porting games to consoles is always a difficult process with little documentation to help,” Flook said while speaking with GamingBolt. “I’m hoping the next generation of consoles makes it easier for indies.  We spend hours sifting through forum posts looking for help with often little results.  A comprehensive porting document at launch would be great for developers like us.”

One Finger Death Punch 2 is slated for a release in Spring 2019. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for our full interview with Flook.

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