PS4 And Xbox One Won’t Hold Back PC Gaming’s Potential – Developer

Daedalic Entertainment's Johannes E. Kiel talks indie studios and engine prices.

PC gaming has had its ups and downs, and each new era of consoles seems to cement the death of PC gaming in some form or another. The PS4 and Xbox One have been strong successes despite being superior in performance to the latest PCs. However, as Daedalic Entertainment producer Johannes E. Kiel reveals, there’s more to the PC platform than just added power.

On being asked about the PC development scene and whether it’s limited due to the emergence of the Xbox One and PS4, Kiel said that, “I don’t think so. The indie game scene is more active than ever because of the pricing of multiplatform game engines like Unity 3D or Unreal.

“I can even see a new way where smaller studios can bring more and more content to the consoles and indie games can reach a broader audience there. I play both, PC and console, and I like both as a player and a developer.”

As such, there are a number of key titles that can only be experienced on PC including Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, Team Fortress 2 and upcoming games like XCOM 2 so there’s no reason to worry as of yet. What are your thoughts on the PC platform in the wake of today’s consoles? Let us know in the comments.

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