This Might Be The Prettiest PS4 Concept Design Out There

An erstwhile NeoGAF created a design for Sony's next gen console.

When Sony unveiled the PlayStation 4 back in February, two major points of contention involved the price and the look of the console.

Heck, Major Nelson even ribbed Sony slightly by saying that’s certainly one way to announce a console (so we’re fairly sure that means Microsoft will show what its next gen console looks like).

NeoGAF user Americanmushroom posted some designs of what he thought the PS4 could potentially looks like. Check it out below.

PS4 fan design (3)PS4 fan design (3)

PS4 fan design (2)PS4 fan design (2)

PS4 fan design (1)PS4 fan design (1)

It’s certainly an interesting design that combines the slim PlayStation 2 design with the PS3 Slim’s power button placement. Not bad overall – though we could be faulted for thinking that if this was the official design, we’d be slightly deflated at it looking too much like its predecessors.

The PlayStation 4 is expected to launch this Holiday season, mos likely in December, with Killzone: Shadow Fall, DriveClub and Watch_Dogs as launch titles. Other titles expected to give the console a boost include Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, which will include exclusive gameplay for the PS4 version.

next gen consolesplaystation 4ps4sony