PS4: Having Problems With DualShock 4 Sticks? Replace Them With Dualshock 3’s

Thanks to a bit of hope, sugar and some generous physical alteration.

The DualShock 4 brings forth a ton of improvements to Sony’s classic controller formula, but when it comes to the analog sticks, you may find it a bit odd compared to the DualShock 3. While the former is a tad lower and more concave, the latter is more convex and might be more comfortable for some since it adheres to the traditional PlayStation style. To top that several users are reporting that the rubber of the DualShock 4 sticks are wearing off. A new video has emerged which shows just how you can replace the analog sticks on the DS4 with the DS3’s. Check it out above.

Of course, when we say “replace”, we mean that it requires a fair amount of slicing, dicing and mutilation of the DualShock 3’s analog sticks to ensure they fit inside the DualShock 4. The video above explains just how this is possible and the benefits offered by replacing the DS4’s sticks.

It’s a matter of preference though, so don’t try it if you’re satisfied with the new analog sticks and how they react for the PS4. But for those who want a bit of the old DualShock feel, this is the way to go about it.

dualshock 3Dualshock 4ps3ps4sony