PS4/Xbox’s One Resolution & FPS Are Genuine Issues When Deciding Which To Buy

Alessandro Martinello, Creative Director at Swordtales believes that studios don't need to run their games at 720p when they can achieve all the visuals they want.

Swordtales is currently working on Toren, a puzzle platformer that will instantly remind you ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. The game uses the environment as a constant threat as the player finds himself against time and mortality.

GamingBolt recently got in touch with the game’s creative director Alessandro Martinello and were able to ask about his thoughts on the on going resolution and frame rate debate between the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

“I think this is a genuine debate and a deciding factor for which hardware you want to buy,” he said. “But it doesn’t make sense when it’s a choice of a studio when its game can be more beautiful. Nowadays, I hope that all studios don’t choose 720p because your game can have all the visuals that it wants to achieve.”

He also confirmed that Toren will be running at 1080p and 60fps on the PlayStation 4. Besides the PlayStation 4, the game will be coming to PC but will be skipping the Xbox One. For more on the game check out the gameplay video below.

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