PS5’s Lineup Is “The Biggest We Have Had in the History of PlayStation”

Big words from PlayStation's head of global marketing Eric Lempel.

Sony absolutely knocked it out of the park with their recent PS5 reveal event. It was a packed show, with tons of major games being shown off one after another. And while there was no shortage of big third party reveals, what really caught many people’s eyes was how many first party PS5 exclusives we got to saw.

In fact, as per PlayStation’s head of global marketing Eric Lempel, this is the biggest lineup in the history of the brand. Speaking recently on the official PlayStation blog’s podcast, after calling Sony’s recently revealed lineup for PlayStation Studios’ games “he biggest lineup we have ever had in the history of PlayStation”, he went on to mention the likes of Gran Turismo 7 and Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apartwhich he called “really big, well-established franchises that people have known for years.”

“This, by far, is the biggest lineup we have ever had in the history of PlayStation,” Lempel said. “We’re so fortunate that we have so many beloved titles and characters that people have grown up with over the years. I’m amazed at how well our studios are delivering against the launch timeframe. Today you saw really big, well-established franchises that people have known for years, [such as] Gran Turismo, Ratchet and Clank.”

Lempel also made special mention of the likes of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and the Demon’s Souls remake, which, after having played a little bit of it, he says is “absolutely beautiful”.

“Then you’re seeing somewhat new franchises making an appearance on PlayStation 5, like with our big closer [Horizon Forbidden West],” he said. “Then we have one of my favourites, which is Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Miles has become such a beloved character, people are absolutely obsessed with him. And now you’re going to get to play him on PS5.”

“There was another big one in there, which people have been looking for it for years,” Lempel continued. “And that was the Demon’s Souls remake. It’s a really big deal and I’ve been fortunate enough to see it and play it just a bit. It’s absolutely beautiful, it’s stunning. When people see this, especially if they’re fans of the title, they’ll be amazed. And if they haven’t played it, this is the way to do it.

“And then beyond that, Housemarque, which has been with us for generations, showed Returnal today. It looks great.”

Of course, what’s even more potentially exciting for PlayStation fans is that Sony still have a lot left in the tank, with PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan recently stating that there are still many more PS5 games currently in development that are yet to be revealed.

Of all the first party PS5 exclusives Sony revealed, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the only one that currently has a release date. It’ll be out this holiday as a launch title for the next-gen console.
