PS5’s “Significantly Higher” Performance “Brings Many Improved Functions” Over PS4 – Dying: 1983 Dev

NEKCOM CEO Luo Xiangyu talks about the generational jump from PS4 to PS5.

As is the case with any console transition, the jump from eighth to ninth generation hardware is going to be an exciting one for the industry at large, from the developers who get to push the envelope with their upcoming games to the players who get to play them. Countless devs in the industry have spoken about how the more powerful hardware of the new consoles is going to advance the medium, and another developer who’s excited about those prospects is Luo Xiangyu, CEO of NEKCOM and director of the upcoming puzzle title Dying: 1983.

Speaking with GamingBolt, when asked about the leap that PS5 presents over the PS4 in terms of hardware elements such as its GPU and its processor, Xiangyu commented on the PS5’s “significantly higher” performance, saying that it will bring “many improved functions.”

“Compared to the previous gen console, the performance of PS5 is significantly higher; meanwhile it also brings many improved functions,” he said. “This is not only for the better resolution, but also the delicate details, realistic rendering, fluent FPS, 3D audio for precise positioning, and soon, all of these level functions will bring a better experience to players in visuals, audio, and gameplay.”

Xiangyu also spoke about the tech demo showcasing Unreal Engine 5 from earlier in 2020, while also remarking that the collaboration betwen the platform holders and engine developers is really going to help indie developers in the coming years.

“I remember the amazing technical show of UE5 on PS5 half a year ago; I still feel surprised now when looking back on the show,” he said. “Take the N virtual geometry system for instance, this truly shows what next-gen is about, and how new technology could impact the workflow and design approach of game development, and break away from the current traditional bounds. The sophisticated design of hardware, combined with improvements in software, is the core of next-gen.

“Meanwhile, as an indie game studio, we are happy to see the tight cooperation between the platforms (PS/XBOX/NS) and the game engine provider. It provides us firm confidence in development; which will let us worry less and try new things more confidently.”

In the same interview, Xiangyu also spoke to us about why he chose to launch Dying: 1983 as a timed PS5 exclusive. Read more on that through here.

Dying: 1983 is out some time in Q1 of 2021.

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