Quantum Break PC Graphical Options Revealed

A range of different options await PC players.

Remedy Entertainment’s Quantum Break will be arriving in the coming weeks, finally delivering the time-bending title to consumers after years of waiting. It will be out on Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs, and the developer has recently announced the different settings that PC users can take advantage of.

Along with presets for Minimum, Medium, High and Ultra, Quantum Break on Windows 10 has options for volumetric lighting quality, shadow resolution quality, lock to 30 FPS, shadow filtering, texture resolution, screen space ambient occlusion, screen space reflections, effects quality, global illumination quality and anti-aliasing. It’s already been confirmed that along with a 1920×1080 resolution, PC players can enjoy the game at 4K resolution.

Quantum Break is out on April 5th for Xbox One and Windows 10. Pre-ordering the Xbox One version will net you the Windows 10 version for free if you’re so inclined. What are your thoughts on the graphical options? Let us know in the comments below.

MicrosoftQuantum Breakremedy entertainmentwindows 10Xbox One