Quantum Break Utilizes 9 Camera Motion Capture Set-Up for Facial Animation

Remedy's AAA exclusive gets bigger and bigger.

Quantum Break just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Off of the initial announcement from Remedy Entertainment during the Xbox One reveal back in May, the exclusive will run parallel to a TV show. It was also revealed that players will have a chance to switch between the heroes and villain at key points. Now, in collaboration with Dimensional Imaging, the game will use the DI4D facial performance capture software – a 9 camera motion capture set-up – to accurately model expressions.

According to Dimensional, “DI4D is able to derive super high definition facial motion capture from an array of nine standard video cameras, without using markers, makeup or special illumination. Remedy will use DI4D software to process facial performance capture in Quantum Break.”

Remedy creative director Sam Lake also stated that, “Quantum Break is a hugely ambitious project that combines action and narrative components in a unique way to bring the characters to life. The only way to achieve the high quality of performance was to create highly realistic digital doubles of talented actors. By using Dimensional Imaging’s DI4D facial performance-capture solution combined with Remedy’s Northlight storytelling technology we can ensure that every nuance of the actors’ performances are captured on screen.”

Will it translate into a fun gameplay experience? We’ll stay tuned and find out for ourselves in the coming months.

Microsoftmotion captureQuantum Breakremedy entertainmentXbox One