Rainbow Six: Siege will be out tomorrow and there are already reports of team-killing after the recent open beta. Given that Siege is a realistic game in which friendly fire is active, it’s pretty disheartening to see team-killers troll players without repercussions during the beta.
Fortunately, the post-launch scenario will be quite different. Ubisoft stated on the game’s official Twitter that, “We have a plan in place to handle them [players who teamkill]. It will not be tolerated at launch!”
Rainbow Six: Siege did face other problems in the past week – in fact, the beta itself had to be postponed following matchmaking and connectivity problems. Ubisoft promises a solid release at launch but really, we’re going to have to wait till tomorrow to find out just how stable things really are along with how the company proposes to handle team killers.
Are you picking up Rainbow Six: Siege tomorrow? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.