Red Dead Redemption 2 New Screenshots Feature All The Gorgeous Vistas You Could Want

Sadly, they're probably still not enough given the game's delay.

Though Rockstar Games announced that Red Dead Redemption 2 would be delayed from its initial Spring 2018 release, at least we now have a solid date – October 26th. The fact that the extra time and polish will benefit the final product is also worth noting. Until then, bask in some of the new screenshots that have been released which showcase action, horseback riding and some gosh-darned gorgeous environments.

There’s not much we know about Red Dead Redemption 2’s story at this point though analysis by fans indicates that it could be a prequel to the first game. Whatever the case may be, we expect all the open world adventuring and fun side quests that made the first game a blast.

Rockstar will be revealing more information about the game in the “coming weeks” so hopefully we’ll find out the new world has to offer us. Given the delay, is there still hope for a PC version? Never say never in the games industry.

ps4Red Dead Redemption 2rockstar gamesXbox One