Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer Possibly Made A Reference To Adventure Photographer Chris Burkard’s Work

It looks like it might have done.

Fans are absolutely desperate for any news and information on the upcoming Red Dead Redemption 2, about which Rockstar have gone radio silent ever since its announcement in October. That explains why fans are now down to analyzing freeze frame shots of the debut trailer, and noticing parallels and similarities to other media and works of art- which, at this point, we can’t quite be sure that Rockstar even intended.

For instance, as pointed out on Reddit, the shot below from the game’s trailer, seems to resemble this excellent photograph by Chris Burkard. The similarities aren’t immediately as apparent, so it might seem to be a bit of a stretch- then again, Rockstar are meticulous, notorious for hiding references to others’ works in their games, and Buckard’s picture is well known enough that this may just have been deliberate after all.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is due out in 2017. It has currently only been announced and confirmed for the PS4 and Xbox One.

ps4Red Dead Redemption 2rockstar gamesTake-Two InteractiveXbox One