Reports: Microsoft working on e-Reader project

According to sources close to the project. May work with XB1.

Microsoft is reportedly working on a new e-Reader app that will work for Windows 8 and possibly even the Xbox One, according to sources close to the project.

The said sources have told The Verge that MS is currently working on the app, but that there is no word yet on whether it would work across all Microsoft devices that use Windows 8, or Xbox Music and Video. While Microsoft already has an e-Reader app in place for Windows 8, and since MS Office is working on a separate Office e-Reader app, it should logically follow that this new app, if it even exists, would function across all Windows 8 devices.

Microsoft even hinted at a new reader app in a recent job listing, which said they work looking for a software engineer to work on “a groundbreaking interactive reading app on Windows, which incorporates books, magazines, and comics.” This listing was posted in relation to the same team that worked on Xbox Music and Video.

We’ll keep you updated as more info comes our way.

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