It took Capcom a very long time to actually release the DLC they promised for Resident Evil 7 right at the beginning of the year, but it’s here now. The first of these is Not A Hero, bringing fan favorite Chris Redfield back into the fold. It’s good DLC, especially since it injects a dose of action into the proceedings, that some of the newer fans of the series, weaned on the installments that immediately preceded Resident Evil 7, might have felt was missing from the game.
If you need help clearing the DLC, or just want to see how it plays out, we are here to help. Below you will find a full fledged video walkthrough of the DLC, with the ending. Just remember, it also has full spoilers- so if you watch it, you will be spoiled not just on the DLC, but also possibly on the main game as well. You have been warned.