Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall Gameplay Revealed

Releasing in Spring 2014.

Respawn Entertainment had a tough task in stealing the show with its upcoming shooter Titanfall. And they made it look so easy.

Debuting with a gameplay trailer, we got our first taste of the game which involves fighting against and constructing towering mechs called Titans in order to wipe out infantry. Players can wall jump, wall run and just jet-pack through the air. The Titans themselves move seamlessly and possess humongous weapons along with the ability to just slide through their surroundings.

You can also seamlessly enter into your own Titan mech and commence battling other Titans. It’s all smooth, and once your mech explores, you can eject out and begin immediately firing on enemies in one smooth motion.

CEO Vince Zampella also stated that the game would be taking advantage of the Xbox One’s Cloud computing functions, making experiences that weren’t possible before. And dear lord, if this is the result, we’re suddenly humongous fans of it now.

Titanfall will be releasing on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One in Spring 2014.

Updated: Screenshots added.

Cloude3 2013Microsoftrespawn entertainmentTitanFallxbox 360Xbox One