Respawn Gives Backstory Details For TitanFall

What exactly is the IMC, then?

Respawn Entertainment has given some backstory information on the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, or the IMC, which features heavily in the upcoming TitanFall and its story, and the developer has also provided some information on Blisk, Spyglass and Graves, the three iconic characters of the IMC.

The IMC, says Respawn, wasn’t always a multi-national corporation. It started out as a small company called Hammond Engineering, but fifteen years later, with the help of increasing demand, cutting edge technology, map database rights, and “a series of acquisitions, mergers, and re-brandings” meant that Hammond was no longer just a small organization. It became the IMC.

Graves has the reputation of a bit of a maverick, whose policies and demand for changes have always been perceived as threatening to the IMC and too liberal for the citizens. Blisk is a South African mercenary, who cam out of retirement after he was promised a lot of money to do work for the IMC.

There’s a lot more information on the IMC’s backstory and the characters. Have a look at it all here.

TitanFall releases in March for the Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.

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