Returnal Runs at Dynamic 4K and “Consistent” 60 FPS With Ray-Traced Lighting

The roguelite shooter's performance and resolution have been officially confirmed.

Housemarque’s Returnal is the next big exclusive coming to PS5 and early previews have been positive thus far. PlayStation Portugal’s MODO PlayStation show said that the game runs at 4K/60 FPS with ray tracing but the video has been made private. The official PlayStation site has since confirmed that it runs at dynamic 4K resolution with a “consistent” 60 FPS.

Lighting is also ray traced with the global illumination system adapting “to the randomized placement of the world, while neon-lit projectiles create that arcade, fever-dream feel our team is known for.” The weather and environments utilize full fluid simulations with “innovative” particle animations. Housemarque also outlines other details like daily challenges, global leaderboards and how multiplayer works.

One particular bit touts “literally hundreds” of combinations of items, artifacts, upgrades, weapons and consumables, thus ensuring that each run is unique. Considering that in terms of weapons alone, there are 10 base options with over 90 weapon traits to significantly alter their behavior, there should be more than enough gameplay variety. Returnal is out on April 30th for PS5. Check out the first 45 minutes of gameplay here to get an idea of how it plays.
