Roller Champions Interview – Welcome To The Arena

Ubisoft's Live Operations Manager Naomi Barnes discusses the new upcoming IP with GamingBolt.

Ubisoft revealed a new sports game they’ve had in the works at E3 2019 called Roller Champions. This ultra-colorful, ultra-fast ball and track game revolves around two teams of three players, fighting for control of a ball and throwing it into the goal after making at least one rotation around the track. The more times you loop around the track before throwing the ball into the goal, the more points you’ll receive if you score. It’s fast paced and simple, but a lot of quick fun. We had a chance to sit down with the Live Operations Manager Naomi Barnes, to ask her a few questions that came to mind when experiencing the gameplay behind Roller Champions.

"We were looking at the way gaming has changed over the last few years, and there’s a lot of spectacle in gaming now. So, the way to join gaming and spectacle-the best way to join them together as a sport. That’s where we came up with a new sport."

How did Roller Champions conceptually come about?

We were looking at the way gaming has changed over the last few years, and there’s a lot of spectacle in gaming now. So, the way to join gaming and spectacle-the best way to join them together as a sport. That’s where we came up with a new sport.

In the E3 demo we saw a single oval shaped track. Will there be any different shapes in the full version?

Currently for the E3 demo The Acapulco and Mexico City, and they’re both oval.

Is this strictly a PvP game, or does Roller Champions also offer single player experiences?

For now, it’s 3v3. But you’ll have to stay tuned closer to lunch to see what else we have in store.

What sort of customization options will be on offer when Roller Champions launches in full?

Will be able to talk about that closer to lunch. For now, there are six characters you can play, so you can focus on the gameplay because we really want your feedback.

"What we wanted to do was make something accessible to all of us, and everyone. So the conception is that it’s not quite fantasy, it’s not quite reality, and it’s in the middle between the two. That’s where it came from."

Considering that Roller Champions is going to be a free to play title, can you speak about what its monetization will be like? I understand that a lot of that might not be ironed out just yet, but in broad terms, are we looking at cosmetic microtransactions only? Will there be loot boxes?

It’s a little early to say. We’ll tell you more later on.

What was behind the choices of making this game ultra-colorful and the beautifully animated graphic style?

What we wanted to do was make something accessible to all of us, and everyone. So the conception is that it’s not quite fantasy, it’s not quite reality, and it’s in the middle between the two. That’s where it came from.

Can you talk to us about what we can expect to see from progression in the game? 

Currently on the live play demo that’s on PC, you progress through gaining fans. So, it’s like being a sports superstar, the more fans you get, the more you progress.

Is Roller Champions going to offer multiple modes?

For now, that’s all we have. Closer to lunch will let you know.

"What they wear in the way they look have nothing to do with the way they play. All the characters have the same skill sets. Really what it is is that we have the basic mechanics of the game, letting the players figure out new ways of playing the game a new tactics."

What effect does the gear have on the game and how one plays it?

What they wear in the way they look have nothing to do with the way they play. All the characters have the same skill sets. Really what it is is that we have the basic mechanics of the game, letting the players figure out new ways of playing the game a new tactics. We want you to create your own story with it. So, it really is like being in sports and training, and tactics and doing your own things.

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