RPG elements in Gears of War 3

Well it seems like Gears of War 3 might go the Bioshock or Borderlands according to an interview by GamaSutra with Cliff Bleszinski. Here are some excerpts which actually made us think that Gears of War 3 will have some RPG elements in it.

“I’ve gone on record before, and I said the future of shooters are RPGs, and the shooters that I’ve liked the most lately are ones like BioShock, which had some light RPG elements, as well asBorderlands, which I continue to gush about, not only because it’s our engine of course, but because Randy’s a good friend of mine, and it’s the kind of game I believe in.”

“Moving on from there, game developers have a way of cross-pollinating an immense amount. Gearswas influenced by Resident Evil, then Resident Evil 5 was influenced by Gears. So, maybe you’ll see elements from more RPGs, or Heavy Rain narrative style elements, start bleeding into the genre.”

“I played through Heavy Rain and thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m glad that they’re taking those types of narrative risks over at Quantic Dream, because I’m probably going to be making shooters for the next couple of years.”

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