Rumor: Play as JFK, Nixon & Castro in CoD: Black Ops

This is not confirmed yet, but I so want to to be as well as the likelihood of it being true according to sources is actually quite high.  This is of course in reference to playing as former US presidents JFK, Nixon as well as the infamous Fidel Castro in the Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombie Mode!  Obviously the YouTube video with the ‘proof’ was taken down, so if it was fake.. why take it down?  We will have to wait to see because with the release this close, this rumor won’t be confirmed or denied until the release in my opinion which is November 9th, for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PC, Wii and DS, with mobile phone versions of the game too.

Thanks for grabbing this news up so quick Destructoid!

call of dutyCall of Duty: Black OpsDSmobilepcps3Wiixbox 360