Later this year, we’ll get to return the beloved world of the cult classic animated series with Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time. The game will follow the titular samurai as he battles his nemesis, the demon Aku, in a corrupted future. The game will be a 3D action title, and the original series Creator explained the reasoning for that.
In a Q&A at PAX East 2020, Genndy Tartakovsky was asked why the team chose 3D instead of doing a 2D title, such as a Metroidvania that has become popular in smaller scale games. He answered simply that he felt more players prefer 3D over 2D, and that going 3D also facilitates more the type of action you’d expect from Samurai Jack (thanks to Nintendo Everything for transcribing the talk).
“I think doing a 2D-drawn game – I’ve always felt that the video game audience maybe doesn’t like that as much, because you’re much more limited. I’ve always wanted the translation to be good and facilitate not just what I want, but to facilitate with what more people would want, and the playability has to match that, and I feel like 2D is really hard. You couldn’t do this. It wouldn’t look good. So I think this is the kind of best of both worlds.”
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is slated to release later this year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. You can check out the official announcement trailer through here.