Sea of Solitude Releases on July 5th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC

Journey to a flooded city as Kay to retrieve your humanity.

Last year we got a look at Jo-Mei Games’ Sea of Solitude, an adventure game about loneliness set in a flooded city. Though it was slated to release in early 2019, a solid release date has finally been provided. You can play of Sea of Solitude on July 5th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. It will retail for $19.99.

As part of EA Originals, Sea of Solitude sees a young girl named Kay dealing with her own loneliness, which has turned her into a “monster”. The flooded city represents her state of mind, its water levels changing to reflect the same. Throughout the story, players will meet different creatures and monsters.

Jo-Mei Games CEO Cornelia Geppert stated, “Sea of Solitude centers on the essence of loneliness and tugs on the heartstrings of its players by mirroring their own reality. It’s by far the most artistic and personal project I’ve ever created, written during a very emotional time in my life.

“Designing characters based on emotions was a deeply personal achievement for our team and we’re so excited for players to soon experience Kay’s powerful story of self-discovery and healing.”

Announced last year at EA Play, Sea of Solitude stood out for its intriguing narrative premise and atmosphere. We’ll see how it ultimately pans out on release, however. EA Play 2019 will be taking place on June 8th with a number of different livestreams scheduled. Perhaps we’ll see some more EA Originals titles then. Stay tuned for more details.

EAEA OriginalsJo-Mei Gamespcps4Sea of SolitudeXbox One