Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Trailer Briefly Showcases Hirata Estates

A place within a memory, Hirata Estates provides plenty of room for exploration.

For many, FromSoftware’s Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice will scratch the itch that Bloodborne and the Dark Souls series has provided. If you’ve never played either of those games though, Sekiro is almost an entirely different beast. Movement abilities and stealth kills play as much of a role as environmental exploration and combat timing.

In a new gameplay video from Game Informer, we get a look at Hirata Estates. The level actually takes place within a memory, and players will be grappling from one expanse to the next, before arriving at some burning buildings. It’s here that we learn about things like the revolving doors replacing illusory walls.

There’s also a boss in this level, which we’ll likely see more of later. As such, there’s more freedom to explore in Sekiro than previous FromSoftware titles, but it’s intriguing just how different the gameplay can be while still channeling that same atmosphere. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice releases on March 22nd for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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