Skylanders: Swap Force Releasing on PS4 and Xbox One on November 12th

The next-gen version launches before either console is out.

Activision has confirmed that one of its current-gen titles will be releasing today in North America for next-gen consoles. That title is Skylanders: Swap Force and it is available before either the PS4 or Xbox One has launched. A European release has still not been confirmed.

Activision also stated that there will be “an all new graphics engine that delivers high-resolution visuals that bring to life amazingly detailed characters and richer environments to deliver a high level of visual fidelity that immerse players in the game like never before” with Swap Force playing out in 1080p resolution.

It’s interesting decision. Will consumers take the time to buy the game in preparation for the console release? Does this assume an overwhelming popularity for Skylanders, more than Call of Duty which rumours indicated would release worldwide for all versions on November 5th?

Regardless, the PlayStation 4 will be launching on November 15th in North America with the Xbox One out on November 22nd. Skylanders: Swap Force is currently out on 3DS, PS3, Wii, Wii U and Xbox 360.

3DSactivisionps3ps4skylanders: swap forceWiiwii uxbox 360Xbox One