Skyrim Remastered: PS4 Version Up For Pre-Order, Xbox One And PS4 Versions’ Performance Is Focus

Good, performance is key after all.

First, the good news for PlayStation owners, especially since those guys seem to get the short end of the stick so often when it comes to Bethesda- the PS4 version of The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: Special Edition, the upcoming remaster of the 2011 RPG classic, is now available to pre-order digitally on PSN. If, like me, you are a PS4 owner who definitely plans on getting this remake, then now is as good a time as any to go buy it.

With that out of the way, there’s also a more general update for the console versions of Skyrim: Special Edition. Speaking on Twitter, Bethesda’s Pete Hines confirmed that the developers are aiming for improved and optimized performance with the console versions of the upcoming remaster.

This is good, because all too often with remasters, we have seen developers focus too much on resolution, often at the detriment of the in game performance, actively hindering the enjoyment that can be derived from the game. The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: Special Edition will be launching on October 28 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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