Sniper Elite V2 St Pierre DLC now live on PSN and Xbox Live

Well General has thrown a challenge for you.

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505 Games have announced that Sniper Elite V2 St Pierre DLC is now live on both the digital platforms from Sony and Microsoft.

They’ve sent a press release, and an interesting one at that, which mentions that there’s a counterattack coming form the western front. General Rodebrecht is out to stop you and you can’t let him win.

That’s why the DLC is called St Pierre because that’s where the general has been found according to the new intel and you have to track him down.

There are some new weapons in the DLC like Lee Enfield No 3 rifles and M1D Garand semi-automatic rifle.

It will be available on the PSN and Xbox Live today and will cost 400 MSP or $4.99. We reviewed the main game back in May, and gave it a decent score. Check it out here.

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