Gameplay for Heart Machine’s Solar Ash debuted during Sony’s State of Play. The story focuses on Rei, Voidrunner who ventures into the unknown in order to save her planet. Along with the way, she’ll battle all kinds of entities including the massive Sentinels. Check it out below.
Unlike Hyper Light Drifter, Solar Ash is fully 3D and focuses more on fast, fluid movement in massive surreal environments. Maintaining a flow and staying on the move is paramount though Rei will also have to combat enemies along the way. The Sentinels are perhaps the most imposing – they’re enormous and can be climbed on, not unlike the Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus.
Solar Ash is currently slated for PS4, PS5 and PC via the Epic Games Store. It’s scheduled to release this year – no release window or date was provided, despite Sony indicating that it was launching in June (before removing the same, that is). Nevertheless, with this gameplay reveal, expect more details in the coming months.