While Sony Bend is working on a secret project it hasn’t actually unveiled yet, the company has shed light on the fact that the project is the biggest it’s ever worked on. The firm has previously worked on titles like Syphon Filter and Resistance but this one is apparently going to bigger than either of those. “We haven’t announced anything about what [Sony Bend] is working on, but it’s true that [the developer’s] last game was Uncharted: Golden Abyss,” affable executive Shuhei Yoshida explained on the PS I Love You XOXO podcast. “So, what they are working on: I just said at the [EGX 2015] Q&A that it’s awesome. But I can also say that it’s big – the biggest Sony Bend game ever.”
While no one working on the project is officially talking about just what the big project is, there are several rumors it’s going to be an open world horror survival game. The only other thing people seem to really understand is that the game is being built using the Unreal Engine 4. There are also a number of rumblings about it’s apparent unveiling at the Playtation Experience in December. Supposedly Sony Bend has been working on this long enough that not only will it be unveiled but the release date could be sometime in 2016.
Beyond those little tidbits, the lid has been fastened tight on just what we should be looking for from this game. Hopefully we’ll be getting more information soon. Sony Bend’s biggest game is drawing quite a bit of attention these days. Regardless, Sony has a cracking line up for 2016.