Sony Congratulates Microsoft On The Launch Of The Xbox One

Sony and Microsoft do a virtual high five.

Last week on the release day of the PlayStation 4, in a display of competitive class, Microsoft tweeted congratulations to Sony on their big day. Not to be outdone, Sony, and Sony President Shuhei Yoshida himself have issued congratulatory tweets to Microsoft today, which marks the global release of their next gen console, the Xbox One.

This is a beautiful thing. At the end of the day, both of these fiercely competitive companies are celebrating the true spirit of what these dual console releases represent: And that is the next generation of gaming as a whole.

Be you a Microsoft supporter, a Sony supporter, or a PC gamer, one thing binds all of us, and that is a love of gaming. At the end of the day what reall matters is the gaming community and the waulity of the products available to them. It’s wonderful to see Sony and Microsoft embracing that spirit with one another.

Microsoftps4sonyXbox One