Sony Has Reportedly Made “Deep Cuts” to Funding for PS VR2 Development

The company is heavily de-emphasizing the virtual reality space, with only two games in development internally for PS VR2, it's been claimed.

The PlayStation VR2 hasn’t come close to hitting the sort of highs Sony would have hoped it would. Since its launch last February, the device has floundered in terms of sales and general traction, owing not only to its price, but also how poorly it’s been supported by first- and third-party software. It seems, in fact, that Sony is already retreating from the VR space.

As per a report published by Android Central, the company has made “deep cuts” to how much funding it is investing in developing games for the PS VR2. Allegedly, there are currently only two first-party titles that are internally in development at Sony for PS VR2. If the company has indeed reduced its investment in VR as much as the report claims it has, it’s more than a little likely that we may have already seen the end of any meaningful first-party support for PS VR2, just a little over a year into its lifecycle.

Sony has, of course, tried to make the device a more attracting option for prospective users in other ways. In August, for instance, the company will launch an adapter for PS VR2 that will make it compatible with PC and PC VR games. It will retail for $59.99.

In March of this year, it was reported that Sony had paused production on PS VR2 in an attempt to first clear a mounting backlog of unsold units. Read more on that through here.

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