This bad boy is no joke and anyone that plans on playing shooters on the Playstion 3, with the PS Move is going to want to put this on their must have list. The gun is called the ‘Sharpshooter’ and will run you $39.99.. not too bad. The peripheral will launch sometime in February of 2011 just in time to play Killzone 3 with it. Killzone 3 is also in 3D if you are lucky enough to own a 3D Television too. This gun will be perfect for Killzone 3 and Socom 4 releasing later this year. We’ll let you know as soon as it’s available as well as hopefully having a review of it. SCEA has announce that Sony will also release a ‘Jungle Green’ DualShock 3 controller for $54.99 in February as well.