Sony Showing off Two Unannounced Games Behind Closed Doors At E3, New Indie Games Incoming

Industry insiders teasing new announcements.

With E3 only a few weeks away, there is a lot of anticipation regarding what Sony and Microsoft will announced at the year’s biggest gaming expo. Trusted industry insiders shinobi602 and tidux have revealed some interesting information regarding what is in store for players in the coming weeks and E3. As usual, this piece of information should be taken with a grain of salt but both of these insiders have a solid track record.

shinobi602 claimed on Neogaf that Sony will be showing off two unnannounced games behind closed doors at E3. However he clarified that this does not mean that they won’t be shown off at Sony’s press conference or they have only 2 new games to announce. shinobi602 also confirmed that the next Mirror’s Edge will also be on the show. He also thinks that Sony and Microsoft will have great E3 press conferences and given that he is privy to inside information, this may come out to be true.

On a related note, tidux is teasing that a ton of indie games are incoming for the PS4 and PS Vita. Whether these will be announced at E3 or earlier is not made clear.

What are your thoughts on this rumor? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. E3 begins this June. Stay tuned for more news and updates.

Source: Neogaf – 1, 2, 3, 4.

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