Star Citizen Will Not Be Seeing A PS4 & Xbox One Version Anytime Soon

"Star Citizen IS a PC game."

Chris Roberts, the man largely behind the 2015-planned PC Space combat and trading game, has specified that his brainchild will in no way be dumbed down for console use. The game holds the world record for the most amount of money ever to be raised by a crowd funding effort. Allegedly the game’s many backers noticed a PlayStation 4 development kit in the desk of one of the developers in an update, and inquired.

Roberts responded with the following:

Star Citizen IS a PC game. It will NEVER be dumbed down for a lesser platform. We will NOT limit the input options or supported peripherals to the lowest common denominator. We will NOT pass on features and technology just because they will only run on some hardware configurations.

He also outlined the benefits of the PC over the next gen consoles:

I LOVE the PC as a platform because it is open, is always moving forward, with new powerful components (usually at cheaper prices) becoming available to gamers available every year. A $3,000 high end PC gaming rig of today wipes the floor of dedicated graphics supercomputers costing over $1M 10 years ago. People were amazed at being able to get Giga flops of performance. Now we can obtain over 5 TERA flops on a single PCI-E GPU!!! The PC platform is great because it isn’t static. It doesn’t have rules or some controlling entity that decides what will and won’t be in the eco system. If a cool new disruptive technology like the Oculus Rift comes along it can have a chance to gain traction and become the next big thing.

Because of this Star Citizen will always be primarily a PC game and will embrace the best and newest tech.

He also stated that he will consider a PS4 and Xbox One version if they are not kept under any sort of restrictions:

IF the platform holders (Sony & Microsoft) allow us to update the code and data without restrictions and odious time consuming QC procedures, IF they allow our community to openly interact with each other across platforms then I would CONSIDER supporting them.

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Cloud Imperium Gamespcps4Star CitizenXbox One