Star Ocean 5’s New Gameplay Footage Shows Off Party Members and Combat

The faces still look horrid, though.

Square Enix’s upcoming Star Ocean 5 has excited fans for a while now, thanks to the tantalizing prospect that it presents- that it somehow might represent a return to form for the beleaguered franchise, restoring it to glory after Star Ocean 4 dispensed just about any goodwill that the series may have had.

Those fans will be excited to see this new gameplay footage for the title- naturally, this footage means we can now actually see more of the game itself, and that is great, but it also shows us the title’s combat systems, as well as party members. The combat and party both look great, though of course, it’s hard to tell whether these mechanics are going to be deep enough to sustain a JRPG on their own.

Star Ocean 5:integrity and Faithlessness is already available in Japan on the PlayStation 4, with a PlayStation 3 version planned for later. In the west, the game will be launching shortly, and exclusively on the PS4.

ps3ps4Square EnixStar Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessnesstri-Ace