Star Wars Battlefront 1.01 Patch Notes Revealed

Hero card spawn times, general fixes and more added.

A new update is out for Star Wars: Battlefront which releases next week for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It’s currently available on consoles and it updates your game to version 1.01. Note that there may be another patch released on the day of the actual launch.

The update adds a healthy amount of fixes and changes including tweaked hero card spawn times, fixes for the partner system, improvements for traffic performance and text in all languages, bug fixes for Missions and much more. There are also the usual crash and stability fixes that are expected.

Star Wars: Battlefront is out on November 17th in North America and November 20th in Europe. Publisher Electronic Arts pegs it to sell 13 million units by the end of the fiscal year, which is a pretty lofty goal. Do you think it will hit that? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more details on the game in the coming week.

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